When I first met you, I was so shy.
The new kid on the block, just looking to fit in.
Then you smiled at me
Spoke to me, "Wanna play rugby?"
Became my friend
Showed me how I should live my life through your ways
Being sweet, you made me laugh
Being a teaser, you still haven't broke me of retaliation
Being there for me when I need you most
Being a mentor on relationships
The years have brought us many smiles, laughs, and dancing in the rain
Loving me as a friend, and loving you as a friend
You are my best friend
The only one I want to reach out to when I'm in too deep
The only one I want to lift off the ground when I give you a hug
The only one who understands me
The only one who can make me stop and think "Is she kidding, or for real?" with those eyes in that one look.
You are the only one I cry about when I think about you leaving
The only one I truly miss when I can't see you when I need to
The only one that makes my heart race when I DO see you
As you drive away with more than miles in your rear view,
Know that I love you, will always love you
Will miss you when you are away, but will cherish each moment I am with you.
Don't stay away for too long, and don't forget me.
These past few years have gone by too fast,
Don't you wanna stay a little while longer?
I love you buddy.
I've never cried over missing someone,
But I am at this moment crying over how much I will miss you when you leave us
I don't wanna think about the day you leave,
How much we both will be crying,
Saying keep strong, we will see each other again soon
Why must you leave now?
Everyday without you will be another day my skin is naturally moisturized,
With tears from each memory we made,
Dancing in the rain,
You always leaning your head on my shoulder,
Every hug you give me,
God, this is painful.
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